As a Union Pipeline Laborer, you know that building pipelines is a skilled profession and there is one way to do it right and that’s the LIUNA way.

Your union is reaching out to ask for your help to make sure that the proposed DeLa Express Pipeline Project in the Gulf Coast is built to the highest of standards.

We have some concerns about the proposal for the DeLa Express pipeline. The current proposal does not ensure good union jobs or local hiring or standards that will result in highly skilled restoration to protect landowners.

You can make a difference by sending a message to federal regulators to urge scrutiny of the DeLa Express proposal, including:

  • Addressing landowners’ concerns about proper restoration and remediation.
  • Local hiring and underrepresented community hiring standards, so that the pipeline creates opportunities for local residents.
  • The quality of the pipeline construction jobs – given the enormous potential to create quality construction careers if the workers are covered under a collective bargaining agreement that affords workers high wages, family-supporting benefits, and fair working conditions.