Laborers’ Veterans Committee Mission
Laborers’ Veterans Committee consists of District Council and Local Business Managers and retired members who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces. The purpose of our committee is to assist our veteran and active-duty Laborers and their families by informing them of their rights, providing benefit information, and holding the government and elected officials accountable for veterans’ service-related needs. The Laborers’ Veterans Committee also encourages union members to get involved with other veterans organizations and take an active role in forming alliances to advocate for veterans’ rights.
Are You a Veteran?
Please tell the Midwest Regional Office about your military service!
Click here to print a registration form.
Laborers’ Veterans Committee Supports Boots on the Green
The annual Boots on the Green golf tournament teams disabled Veterans with active duty military members and other players for a day of fun, food, and fellowship. In addition to the festive nature of the event, proceeds from the tournament help local veterans. The LiUNA Midwest Regional Laborers’ Veterans Committee is proud to offer its support for the charity event and also donated 500 golf balls for the 2018 outing. Among those pictured below are Veterans Committee co-chair Gale Jamison (kneeling in the front row in an orange LiUNA shirt) and Laborers’ Local 110 Vice-President Ronny Griffin (to Gale’s right in the white shirt). Next to Mr. Griffin, kneeling in the red shirt, is John Schmeink, therapist in charge of rehab for disabled veterans at the Jefferson Barracks Veterans Administration rehabilitation facility.

What is a DD214?
Your DD214 is very important. It is your record of service in the military, and you must have this document to access veterans’ benefits and services. It includes information on when you entered the military and when you were discharged, your military training and education, your entitled medals, your dates, locations, units of deployment, and dates of your last dental and physical examinations, etc.
- Keep your DD214 and put it in a safe place.
- Make sure the information on your DD214 is complete and correct.
- File a copy of your DD214 with your county clerk’s office.
- If you have lost your DD214 contact your branch of service to request another copy.
- Your spouse and other family members should know where to find your DD214 and why it is important.
If you do not have your DD214, you should check first with the county clerk’s office in the county where you resided at discharge. If it is not on record with the county clerk, you can request a copy of your military records here. Record requests can be submitted online or through the postal service.
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs General Information Website
The VA also provides thorough one and two-page descriptions of the various benefits offered to veterans’ and their families. They can all be accessed, downloaded and printed at the following link: Veteran’s Benefits Administration – Fact Sheets.