We Mourn, We Honor, We Remember

The Laborers’ Midwest Region Scholarship Fund was established on September 1, 1999, with the sole purpose of providing scholarships and educational opportunities to the families of Midwest LiUNA members who were killed or permanently disabled while at work in service to their union. The Midwest Region includes the states of Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, Texas, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Nebraska, and South Dakota. For more information, call 1-800-218-2253.

Complete a scholarship application here

Current Scholarship Recipients

Recipients: Elizabeth Martinez, Jorja Ramos, Russell Fights

LiUNA Midwest Region Scholarship Fund Logo

Applicants – need to update your contact information? Email us at mrlhsf@midwestlaborers.org.

Notes of Thanks

As a recipient who has tragically lost a parent in service to their union, words cannot express the depth of gratitude I feel towards LiUNA for their unwavering support. Thanks to the generous support of LiUNA, I’ve been able to focus more on my studies and extracurricular activities. Words cannot express how grateful I am to not have had to worry about the cost of tuition.

LiUNA has not only helped me realize my educational goals but has also provided me with a sense of purpose and direction. I am immensely grateful for their generosity and compassion, and I am committed to honoring the legacy of my dad by making the most out of this opportunity. I am grateful that I could make the most of the opportunities provided and create a better future for myself and my family.

Catlynn Creason

Receiving this financial assistance from a source that my father has poured his heart and soul into would be a dream come true. I greatly appreciate your generosity and I cannot express through words just how much gratitude I have to be presented this opportunity. Thank you.

Matthew Wyatt Rowen

Michael [DeDeckers] lives in Florida and now teaches 7th and 8th-grade math. Without the assistance of the Laborers’ Scholarship, his educational journey would have been significantly more difficult, if not impossible.

Salle DeDecker (Michael’s Grandmother)

What the Midwest Laborers Union Scholarship has meant to me is many things, but the biggest one is the offer of financial relief. Being as young and as on my own as I am, if I were to not have this scholarship, I would be left owing 8k a year, which I would struggle to pay as I cannot take out loans. Being able to attend a great University with no financial burdens means the world to me.

Hanna Lime

Early in the fall semester of my Sophomore year at Monmouth College my dad Mike Thomas was killed in an automobile accident. I was unaware that his death made me eligible for a Laborers’ Midwest Region Scholarship. I was made aware of this through contact initiated by LiUNA. I ended up receiving five semesters of support, and this additional money made it possible for me to complete my education (in four years) without excessive student loan debt. After graduation, I pursued a teaching certificate in the state of Florida. I am happy to say that I am currently a 6th-grade math teacher as well as a basketball coach. I know my Dad would be proud of me and I am grateful to his union for helping me toward my goals.

Michael DeDecker-Thomas

This semester, FAFSA decided not to give me any student aid; getting the laborers scholarship will help immensely in my pursuit to get my bachelors degree. The money I will receive from the laborers will help cut the cost of student loans I have to get. I can’t thank you guys enough for giving me this scholarship.

Cory Kirwan

We cannot thank you enough for your generous scholarship help with Cory’s college education. It is also heartwarming to both of us that this is a scholarship awarded because his dad was a Laborer. That means so much! Thank you!

Caren and Cory Kirwan

The Laborers’ Scholarship was such a blessing to me each semester that I was working on my undergraduate degree. I was able to greatly reduce the payments that I have made toward my university by being awarded this scholarship semester after semester. In addition to the obvious benefits of a scholarship, this also helped me be able to save money for graduate school, which I am beginning now! Even more, the process to apply is simple and gets even simpler after the first time. It hardly takes any time but brings such a great reward. The staff involved are also so helpful and kind, which really made a difference to me. Overall, the scholarship made such a difference in my undergraduate career!

MacKenzi (Hall) Nomura

I am immensely thankful to the wonderful people at LiUNA for providing me with this scholarship over the course of my undergraduate studies. By helping to offset the costs of my degree, including textbook reimbursement, achieving my degrees in English and History from Andrews University was much less financially stressful. The process of acquiring the scholarship, patiently coordinated by the staff, is impressively streamlined, which is so helpful in the chaos of preparing for a semester of school. Thanks in part to LiUNA, I am now happily teaching a college composition course while pursuing an MA in English. I remain eternally grateful to LiUNA’s assistance.

Dakota Hall

We honor the following Laborers (scroll to the bottom for an alphabetical list):

Hibbing, Anthony, Local 692, died October 16, 2017

Rice, Jimmy, Local 1280, died October 15, 1999
Reynolds, Michael, Local 32, died October 26, 1999
Bramlet, John D., Local 803, died May 16, 2000
Radtke, Della, Local 751, died June 25, 2001
Miller Jr., Joseph, Local 624, died July 31, 2001
Griswold, Norman, Local 477, died October 15, 2001
Johnson, Bobby, Local 1197, died February 13, 2002
Jass, Benny, Local 32, died August 1, 2002
Crozier, John, Local 911, died May 23, 2003
Schmitt, Bob, Local 165, died June 11, 2003
Hart, Roger, Local 171, died October 10, 2003
Gwaltney. Garland, Local 393, died March 3, 2004
Kirwan, Ed, Local 165, died July 1, 2005
Dilley, Jason, Local 1197, died August 29, 2008
Holsey, Shane, Local 1197, died October 7, 2008
Thierer, Robert, Local 165, died July 27, 2009
Holloway, Michael, Local 727, died September 16, 2009
Nava, Sr., Robert, Local 309, died March 23, 2010
Denson, Clifford R., Local 159, died July 30, 2010
Thomas, Michael, Local 773, died September 9, 2010
Fegett, Linda, Local 624, died May 2, 2011
Beard, Dennis, Local 100, died May 22, 2012
Davis, James A., Local 231, died September 20, 2012
Mehochko, Greg, Local 670, died January 23, 2013
Beare III, Max D., Local 100, died February 5, 2013
Cordray, Michael James, Local 159, died February 6, 2013
Belcher, Joe, Local 100, died July 29, 2015
Creason, Roger, Local 477, died October 26, 2015
Schwartz, Robert, Local 727, died May 24, 2016
Dolen, Troy D., Local 477, died August 29, 2016
McCoy, Mark, Local 1197, died August 29, 2016
Holley, Willie N., Local 309, died, September 1, 2016
Botkin, Jack, Local 309, died August 23, 2019
Corbin, John, Local 218, died May 23, 2020
Williams, Larry, Local 362, died June 9, 2020
Williams, David, Local 773, died February 14, 2021
Southerland, Richard, Local 231, died September 19, 2021
McCammack, Darrell, Local 1197, died September 26, 2022
Krupianik, Ryan Matthew, Local 751, died September 30, 2022
Neff, Chris, Local 165, died October 23,2023

Jackson, Paul, Local 274, died February 29, 2000
Dotson, Alex R., Local 741, died June 8, 2000
Northcutt, Jonathan, Local 274, died June 27, 2000
Hainey, Joseph R., Local 741, died August 14, 2000
Beck, Joshua, Local 204, died August 16, 2000
Witvoet, Michael, Local 741, died December 15, 2000
Davis, Michael, Local 81. died February 2, 2001
Stawderman, Clarence David, Local 645, died July 19, 2001
Blair, Moman “Lee,” Local 561, died August 28, 2001
Garza, Jose, Local 645, died September 8, 2001
Martin-Long, Glenda Sue, Local 120, died November 8, 2002
Pickett, Bob, Local 41, died August 11, 2003
Garrett, Robert, Local 274, died December 15, 2004
Rea, Brian, Local 204, died, January 30, 2006
Soots, Jason, Local 120, died June 23, 2006
Hall, Danita, Local 795, died July 13, 2006
Terry, David, Local 561, died July 13, 2006
Fassoth, Martin, Local 81, died August 4, 2006
Riffle Jr., Ralph, Local 274, died November 10, 2006
Searing, James P., Local 204, died April 6, 2007
Day, David R., Local 274, died September 17, 2007
Rodriquez, Ricardo, Local 81, died February 18, 2008
Lime, Steven A., Local 795, died August 12, 2008
Mendenhall, Edward A., Local 120, died November 7, 2008
Jenkins, Christopher, Local 81, died March 16, 2010
Sadler, Roger, Local 81, died April 30, 2010
Hayden, Matthew, Local 561, died May 3, 2010
Bagwell, Jeremy, Local 274, died June 8, 2011
Hernandez, Juan, Local 274, died October 6, 2011
Anderson, David, Local 120, died April 16, 2012
Kerns, Arthur Shane, Local 81, died November 30, 2012
DeMoss, Coty J., Local 274, died May 9, 2014
Duerson, Kenneth E. Jr., Local 120, died May 9, 2014
Simpson, William “Issac,” Local 120, died June 13, 2014
Fiscus, Brandon, Local 645, died October 12, 2016
Lewis, Raymond D., Local 645, died December 7, 2016
Brown, Jr., William, Local 741, died April 25, 2018
Nance, Justin, Local 1112, died November 7, 2018
Fisher, Benjamin, Local 645, died July 26, 2019
Barnett, Cedric, Local 645, died August 23, 2019
Ramos, Michael, Local 213, died March 17, 2020
Greer, Ryan, Local 645, died May 22, 2020
Fights, Brian C., Local 213, died May 26, 2020
Stinson, Larry, Local 120, died December 16, 2022
Gentry, Sherry, Local 561, died July 7, 2023
Gonzalez, Luis Alberto Orozco, Local 120, died September 30, 2023
Thomas, Dale, Local 274, died May 31, 2024
Brown, Zachary Ross, Local 81, died October 22, 2024

Donaldson, Jason Todd, Local 177, died January 24, 2007

Mathia, Darrell, Local 1290, died March 31, 2004
Harris, Zebediah, Local 1290, died March 23, 2023
Colon, Kevin, Local 1290, died July 13, 2024

Scott, Michael, Local 663, died October 26, 1999
Hendrix, Chad, Local 660, died November 11, 1999
Pauley, Mark, Local 663, died August 1, 2000
Distefano, John, Local 830, died March 1, 2001
Martin, William, Local 53, died May 4, 2001
Vonderhaar, Daniel, Local 42, died September 21, 2001
Perez, Javier, Local 42, died October 24, 2001
Vaughn, Jerry, Local 829, died April 4, 2002
Davis, Michael Wesley, Local 110, died May 1, 2002
Taube, Charles, Local 579, died June 21, 2002
Grasshoff, Daniel Gene, Local 110, died July 8, 2002
Ireland, Jeffrey L., Local 663, died October 30, 2002
Parker, Douglas, Local 663, died August 2, 2004
Staley, Jeff, Local 110, died May 24, 2006
Taylor, Sidney, Local 42, died December 18, 2006
Price, Wayne, Local 663, died November 20, 2007
Wagoner, Mikey W., Local 840, died September 25, 2008
Munton, Connie, Local 916, died May 19, 2009
Hack, Joshua, Local 110, died June 10, 2009
Bray, Patrick, Local 660, died June 10, 2013
Frisbee, Dustin Reed, Local 264, died October 15, 2013
Horning, Andrew, Local 264, died October 15, 2013
Hahl, John Edward, Local 829, died April 11, 2014
Rawson, Christopher, Local 829, died April 11, 2014
Snider, Michael, Local 663, died June 24, 2015
Johnson, John, Local 955, died November 11, 2015
Griesenauer, DJ, Local 42, died April 19, 2016
VanLew, Matt, Local 663, died April 28, 2016
Hoke, Robert, Local 110, died August 15, 2016
Gray, Doug, Local 42, died December 8, 2016
Pointer, Ronald G., Local 42, died August 2, 2018
Rowen, Matthew Michael, Local 264, died March 5, 2019
Bentley, Douglas, Local 1290, died October 29, 2022

Warren, John “Johnny” Dwaine, Local 1140, died November 7, 1999

Leasiolagi, Emmanuel, Local 107, died July 13, 2023

Morales, Jorge, Local 430, died October 15, 2011

Chantaca, Fermin, Local 154, died August 1, 2012
Hernandez-Rosas, Lorenzo, Local 154, died August 12, 2013
Perez, David P., Local 154, died August 12, 2013
Johnson, Kevin, Local 350, died August 17, 2018

A complete list, sorted alphabetically by last name:

Anderson, David, Local 120, died April 16, 2012
Bagwell, Jeremy, Local 274, died June 8, 2011
Barnett, Cedric, Local 645, died August 23, 2019
Beard, Dennis, Local 100, died May 22, 2012
Beare III, Max D., Local 100, died February 5, 2013
Beck, Joshua, Local 204, died August 16, 2000
Belcher, Joe, Local 100, died July 29, 2015
Bentley, Douglas, Local 1290, died October 29, 2022
Blair, Moman “Lee,” Local 561, died August 28, 2001
Botkin, Jack, Local 309, died August 23, 2019
Bramlet, John D., Local 803, died May 16, 2000
Bray, Patrick, Local 660, died June 10, 2013
Brown, Zachary Ross, Local 81, died October 22, 2024
Brown, Jr., William, Local 741, died April 25, 2018
Chantaca, Fermin, Local 154, died August 1, 2012
Colon, Kevin, Local 1290, died July 13, 2024
Corbin, John, Local 218, died May 23, 2020
Cordray, Michael James, Local 159, died February 6, 2013
Creason, Roger, Local 477, died October 26, 2015
Crozier, John , Local 911, died May 23, 2003
Davis, James A., Local 231, died September 20, 2012
Davis, Michael, Local 81, died February 2, 2001
Davis, Michael Wesley, Local 110, died May 1, 2002
Day, David R., Local 274, died September 17, 2007
DeMoss, Coty J., Local 274, died May 9, 2014
Denson, Clifford R., Local 159, died July 30, 2010
Dilley, Jason, Local 1197, died August 29, 2008
Distefano, John, Local 830, died March 1, 2001
Dolen, Troy D., Local 477, died August 29, 2016
Donaldson, Jason Todd, Local 177, died January 24, 2007
Dotson, Alex R., Local 741, died June 8, 2000
Duerson, Kenneth E. Jr, Local 120, died May 9, 2014
Fassoth, Martin, Local 81, died August 4, 2006
Fegett, Linda, Local 624, died May 2, 2011
Fights, Brian C., Local 213, died May 26, 2020
Fiscus, Brandon, Local 645, died October 12, 2016
Fisher, Benjamin, Local 645, died July 26, 2019
Frisbee, Dustin Reed, Local 264, died October 15, 2013
Garrett, Robert, Local 274, died in 2004
Garza, Jose, Local 645
Gentry, Sherry, Local 561, died July 7, 2023
Gonzalez, Luis Alberto Orozco, Local 120, died September 30, 2023
Grasshoff, Daniel Gene, Local 110, died July 8, 2002
Gray, Doug, Local 42, died December 8. 2016
Greer, Ryan, Local 645, died May 22, 2020
Griesenauer, DJ, Local 42, April 19, 2016
Griswold, Norman, Local 477, died October 15, 2001
Gwaltney, Garland, Local 393, died March 3, 2004
Hack, Joshua, Local 110, died June 10, 2009
Hahl, John Edward, Local 829, died April 11, 2014
Hainey, Joseph R., Local 741, died August 14, 2000
Hall, Danita, Local 795, died July 13, 2006
Harris, Zebediah, Local 1290, died March 23, 2023
Hart, Roger, Local 171, died October 10, 2003
Hayden, Matthew, Local 561, died May 3, 2010
Hendrix, Chad, Local 660, died November 11, 1999
Hernandez, Juan, Local 274, died October 6, 2011
Hernandez-Rosas, Lorenzo, Local 154, died August 12, 2013
Hibbing, Anthony, Local 692, died October 16, 2017
Hoke, Robert, Local 110, died August 15, 2016
Holley, Willie N., Local 309, died September 1, 2016
Holloway, Michael, Local 727, died September 16, 2009
Holsey, Shane, Local 1197, died October 7, 2008
Horning, Andrew, Local 264, died October 15, 2013

Ireland, Jeffrey L., Local 663, died October 30, 2002
Jackson, Paul, Local 274, died February 29, 2000
Jass, Benny, Local 32, died August 1, 2002
Jenkins, Christopher, Local 81, died March 16, 2010
Johnson, Bobby, Local 1197, died February 13, 2002
Johnson, John, Local 955, died November 11, 2015
Johnson, Kevin, Local 350, died August 17, 2018
Kerns, Arthur Shane, Local 81, died November 30, 2012
Kirwan, Ed, Local 165, died July 1, 2005
Krupianik, Ryan Matthew, Local 751, died September 30, 2022
Leasiolagi, Emmanuel, Local 107, died July 13, 2023
Lewis, Raymond D., Local 645, died December 7, 2016
Lime, Steven A., Local 795, died August 12, 2008
Martin, William, Local 53, died May 4, 2001
Martin-Long, Glenda Sue, Local 120, died November 8, 2002
Mathia, Darrell, Local 1290, died March 31, 2004
McCammack, Darrell, Local 1197, died September 26, 2022
McCoy, Mark, Local 1197, died August 29, 2016
Mehochko, Greg, Local 670, died January 23, 2013
Mendenhall, Edward A., Local 120, died November 7, 2008
Miller Jr., Joseph, Local 624, died July 31, 2001
Morales, Jorge, Local 430, died October 15, 2011
Munton, Connie, Local 916, died May 19, 2009
Nance, Justin, Local 1112, died Nov. 7, 2018
Nava, Sr., Robert, Local 309, died March 23, 2010
Neff, Chris, Local 165, died October 23, 2023
Northcutt, Jonathan, Local 274, died June 27, 2000
Parker, Douglas, Local 663, died August 2, 2004
Pauley, Mark, Local 663, died August 1, 2000
Perez, David P., Local 154, died August 12, 2013
Perez, Javier, Local 42, died October 24, 2001
Pickett, Bob, Local 41, died August 11, 2003
Pointer, Ronald G., Local 42, died August 2, 2018
Price, Wayne, Local 663, died November 20, 2007

Radtke, Della, Local 751, died June 25, 2001
Ramos, Michael, Local 213, died March 17, 2020
Rawson, Christopher, Local 829, died April 11, 2014
Rea, Brian, Local 204, died January 30, 2006
Reynolds, Michael, Local 32, died October 26, 1999
Rice, Jimmy, Local 1280, died October 15, 1999
Riffle Jr., Ralph, Local 274, died November 10, 2006
Rodriquez, Ricardo, Local 81, died February 18, 2008
Rowen, Matthew Michael, Local 264, died March 5, 2019
Sadler, Roger, Local 81, died April 30, 2010
Schmitt, Bob, Local 165, died June 11, 2003
Schwartz, Robert, Local 727, died May 24, 2016
Scott, Michael , Local 663, died October 26, 1999
Searing, James P., Local 204, died April 6, 2007
Simpson, William “Issac,” Local 120, died June 13, 2014
Snider, Michael, Local 663, died June 24, 2015
Soots, Jason, Local 120, died June 23, 2006
Southerland, Richard, Local 231, died September 19, 2021
Staley, Jeff, Local 110, died May 24, 2006
Stinson, Larry, Local 120, died December 16, 2022
Stawderman, Clarence David, Local 645, died July 19, 2001
Taube, Charles, Local 579, died June 21, 2002
Taylor, Sidney, Local 42, died December 18, 2006
Terry, David, Local 561, died July 13, 2006
Thierer, Robert, Local 165, died July 27, 2009
Thomas, Dale, Local 274, died May 31, 2024
Thomas, Michael, Local 773, died September 9, 2010
VanLew, Matt, Local 663, died April 28, 2016
Vaughn, Jerry, Local 829, died April 4, 2002
Vonderhaar, Daniel , Local 42, died September 21, 2001
Wagoner, Mikey W., Local 840, died September 25, 2008
Warren, John “Johnny” Dwaine, Local 1140, died November 7, 1999
Williams, David, Local 773, died February 14, 2021
Williams, Larry, Local 362, died June 9, 2020
Witvoet, Michael, Local 741, died December 15, 2000